Jacky Edwards GLASS

CV: Jacky Edwards


An extensive and varied working life in the public sector has given me access to a plethora of people’s stories and glimpses into our wonderful individuality, different lifestyles and our commonality of thoughts, fears, hopes and aspirations.

My need to use my creativity, not just in solving practical work challenges, but to record my admiration of the human form and psyche led me through a range of evening and day classes in Life Drawing, Ceramics, Print, Painting and Glass.

Today I am an emerging glass artist, specialising in kiln-formed glass, having discovered the stimulating possibilities of fused glass when I put some small pieces of bottle, window glass, wire and copper into a ceramic kiln just to see what would happen.

Largely self-taught I take up the opportunity of glass workshops and masterclasses whenever I can in order to extend my understanding of what glass can be encouraged to do and the artistic thinking behind the fantastic glass work of others.

My journey working with glass to date has led me through a range of marvellous processes and forms and given me the extraordinary benefit of meeting very generous creative artists happy to share their time and knowledge.

Within my own studio I have developed a real passion for glass powders and frits as they give me the chance to make very beautiful wafer thin pieces from the tiniest particles of glass and also more robust forms using the Pate de Verre approach. As such they offer me a metaphor for the strength and benefit that can be found through lone individuals making positive connections – community collaboration being another of my passions.

Education and Training



